Privacy Policy

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MAME Srl with registered offices in Via della Scienza 24 41122 Modena (MO), is strongly committed to protect the online privacy of its users at all times. This document provides you with the knowledge of our privacy policy to understand how your personal data are managed when you use our services. Also, it enables you to consent, expressly and in full awareness, to the processing of your personal data in the site sections where the user is required to supply personal data. Please remember that, pursuant to art. 13 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter the ‘Regulation') the various sections of MAME Srl websites where we collect your personal data, contain dedicated information for you to peruse before supplying data requested. Information and data supplied by you or acquired otherwise while subscribing to the various services of MAME Srl (such as: domain name registrations, supply of e-mail account or of certified e-mail account (‘PEC'), supply of web space, hosting services and other ancillary services, hereinafter collectively the ‘services'), shall be processed in compliance with both the provisions of the Regulation and the confidentiality obligations that inspire the activity of MAME Srl

According to the norms in the Regulation, the processing performed by MAME Srl shall be based on criteria of lawfulness, fairness, transparency, limitation of purposes and storage, minimization of data, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality.


1. Data Controller

Your data shall be kept throughout the contract relationship and also after contract termination in compliance with specific fiscal and legal obligations.
You are entitled to know at any time which are your data and how they are used, to have them updated, rectified, integrated or erased and to object to their processing by sending a request to the data controller that is the company MAME Srl - SS 235 km 8 27010 Albuzzano (PV) Italy, as specified above.
Do not hesitate to contact the controller for whatever information concerning the processing of personal data you may require, including the list of the data processors.
The requests to the controller shall be sent in writing to the following e-mail address

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2. Personal Data Subject to the Processing

Processing of personal data means any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.
We inform you that, also on the basis of your decisions on how to use the services, personal data subject to the processing can consist in an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or in one or more factors specific to your physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity suitable to make the data subject identified or identifiable, on the basis of the type of services requested (hereinafter only the "personal data").

The following personal data are processed through our site:

a. Navigation Data

During normal operation, computer systems and software procedures used to run our site acquire some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of the Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated to identified data subjects, but by its own nature it might allow user identification through processing and association with data held by third parties.
This data category includes the IP addresses and domain names of the computers used by the users that connect to our site, the uniform resource identifiers (URI) of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the server's answer (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and computing environment of the user.
These data are used exclusively for the purpose of obtaining nameless statistical information about the use of our site and of the sites of our customers, and to monitor their correct functioning and identify anomalies and/or abuse.

Data might be used to assess responsibility in the event of presumed computing crimes to the detriment of the site or of third parties. Except this case, at present, data on web contacts do not last longer than the time necessary to statistical processing, save for special requests from the user (ex: access to the user-reserved pages inside the MAME Srl site that summarize the services obtained, information published, etc.).

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b. Special Categories of Personal Data

Using our services may involve the processing of your personal data included in the special categories of personal data under art. 9 of the Regulation, which reads: "...personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation".

We invite you not to publish or communicate such data if not strictly necessary or if you decide not to use special services that might include such processing.
Be informed that, if, for whatever reason, you do not give your consent to the processing of the aforesaid special categories of personal data and then use the services all the same (for example, by managing the web space reserved to you), thereby making manifestly public your personal data belonging to the special categories detailed above (for example, if you make public photos that show information about your health), MAME Srl shall not be held responsible for any reason whatsoever, nor accept claims of any kind because in such a case the processing is allowed as it relates to data manifestly made public by the data subject, in compliance with art. 9(1)(e) of the Regulation.
However, as already indicated above, we emphasize the importance of amending the registration form with your explicit consent to the processing of the special categories of personal data, should you decide to make use of the services that necessarily involve using such information.

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c. Cookies

Definitions, Characteristics and Application of the Legislation.

Cookies are small text files that the sites visited by the user place in your computer or mobile device and then are sent again to the same sites on the next visit. Thanks to cookies, a site remembers the user's actions and preferences (such as log-in data, language selected, font size and other display settings, etc.). Consequently, they need not be selected again when the user comes back to visit the same site or browses through the site pages.
Cookies are used to make computing authentications, session monitoring and storage of information about the activities of site visitors. They can also contain a unique identification code that allows keeping trace of the user navigation through the site for statistical or advertising purposes.
During site navigation, the user can receive in his/her computer or mobile device also cookies from sites or web servers other than the one being visited (so-called ‘third-party cookies'). Some operations cannot be performed without using cookies that, in certain cases, are technically necessary to make the site function.

There are various types of cookies, depending on their characteristics and functions. They can remain in the user's computer or mobile device for different lengths of times. The so-called ‘session cookies' will be automatically deleted when the browser is closed; the so-called ‘persistent cookies' remain in the user's equipment until a preset expiry date.

On the basis of current Italian legislation, it is not always necessary to obtain the user's expressed consent to using cookies.
"Technical cookies" in particular, i.e. cookies used for the only purpose of transmitting a communication through an electronic communication network do not require the user's consent or require it as strictly necessary to provide a service explicitly demanded by the user.
In other words, these cookies are essential to site functioning or necessary to perform the activities requested by the user. Among the technical cookies that do not need the user's expressed consent to being used, the Italian Data Protection Authority in its document ‘Provision to identify simplified modes for information and acquisition of consent to using cookies' dated 8 May 2014 (hereinafter only the "Provision") also includes:

  • "Analytics cookies" where they are used directly by the site provider to collect information, in an aggregated form, about the number of users and how these visit the site;
  • Navigation or session cookies (for authentication);
  • Functionality cookies that allow the user to browse the site on the basis of some selected criteria (for example, the language, the products selected for purchase) in view of improving the service provided to the user.

Profiling cookies, instead, are meant to create user profiles and use them to display advertising prompts in line with the preferences the user showed during Internet navigation. The previous user's consent must be obtained for these cookies.

Types of Cookies Used in Our site and the Enable/Disable Option.

Our site uses the following cookies that can be disabled, except third-party cookies for which you should refer to the respective enable/disable modes which are indicated by means of links:

  • Technical navigation or session cookies that are essential for site functioning or to enable the user to read the contents or obtain the services requested.
  • Analytics cookies that allow understanding how our site is used by the users. No pieces of information about the user's identity or personal data are collected by means of these cookies. Information is processed in an aggregated nameless form.
  • Functionality cookies that are used to activate site-specific functionalities and a number of selected criteria (for example, the language, the products selected for purchase) in view of improving the service provided.
  • Profiling cookies that are used to send advertising banners in line with the preferences shown by the user while navigating the web.
    ATTENTION: If you disable technical and/or functionality cookies, our site might no longer be accessible or some services or certain functions in our site might be unavailable or not operate correctly. You might be obliged to change or enter by hand some information and preferences every time you visit our site.
  • Third-party cookies that originate from web sites or servers other than that of MAME Srl and are used for purposes specific to the originating third parties. They can also include profiling cookies.
    We point out that such third parties, listed below together with the links to their privacy policies, are autonomous controller of the data collected by means of the cookies they place. Therefore, you should make reference to their personal data processing policies, information sheets and consent forms (to enable/disable their respective cookies), as specified in the aforesaid Provision.
    For sake of completeness, we specify that MAME Srl uses its best efforts to track cookies on its site. As regards third parties sending cookies through our site, we provide below the links to their respective privacy information sheets. As already specified and foreseen in the Provision, we put the responsibility of supplying information and obtaining the user's consent on such third parties.
    This responsibility refers not only to the cookies that the third parties send directly, but also to any additional cookies sent through our site thanks to the services that such third parties use. IW Business has no control on cookies sent by service providers of the mentioned third parties, and does not know their characteristics or purposes.

Here below the links to third-party cookie information:

We use cookies also for other purposes, among which:

  • Identify you when you log in our sites.
  • In this manner, we can recommend products, display customized contents and also make other customized functions and services available to you.
  • Supply contents based on your interests and in accordance with your preferences.
  • Keep trace of the preferences you indicated.
  • Keep trace of items you have saved in your cart.
  • Run researches and analyses to enhance contents, products and services.
  • Prevent fraudulent activities.
  • Improve security.

Cookies allow you to take advantage from some basic functionalities.
For example, it you block or otherwise reject our cookies, you will not be able to add items to your cart, proceed to checkout or use any of the products or services that require you to log in and browse.

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3. Purposes of the Processing

The processing that we are going to make, upon your specific consent where necessary, is meant to:

  • Allow the services you have requested to be provided and then autonomously managed by you after registration and creation of your user profile upon provision of the services. This will include data collection, storage and processing in view of activating the operational, technical and administrative management of the service provision relationship and the transmission of communications relating thereto;
  • Allow navigating and consulting MAME Srl websites;
  • Answer assistance or information requests received via e-mail, phone or through specially designed forms in the site. In particular, phone calls dealing with assistance requests received by BGDistribuzione may be recorded so that MAME Srl can prove that it has correctly handled the requests.
  • Fulfill legal, accounting and tax obligations;
  • Make direct marketing activities via e-mail for services similar to those subscribed by you, except if you objected to such processing from the start or by means of subsequent communications;
  • Work out market studies, researches and statistics; send you advertising and information materials, commercial information or polls to improve the service (customer satisfaction) via e-mail or sms and/or by means of manned phone lines and/or through MAME Srl official pages in the social media;
  • Only in association with certain services, data can be processed for profiling purposes and/or for communication to third parties for their marketing purposes. This is to let you have information and/or offers on products, services or initiatives offered or promoted by other companies belonging to the IW Busines Sagl Group, its affiliated or subsidiary companies and/or by other sales partners and outsourcers acting as autonomous data controllers;
  • Exclusively for security purposes and prevention against fraudulent conducts, the controller implements an automatic control system detecting and analyzing the users' behavior on the site in association with the processing of personal data, such as the IP address.

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4. Legal Basis for Processing and Mandatory or Optional Processing

Article 6(1)(b) of the Regulation provides the legal basis for the processing of personal data for the purposes under Section 3(a-b-c) as processing is necessary to the provision of the services agreed upon. Providing personal data for these purposes is optional, however, failure to provide them would entail the impossibility to activate the services requested. The purposes in Section 3(d) admit of lawful processing of personal data pursuant to art. 6(1)(c) of the Regulation. Once personal data have been provided, their processing is necessary to fulfill a law obligation to which MAME Srl is subject.

The processing made for marketing purposes requires obtaining your consent pursuant to art. 6(1)(a) and art. 22(2)(c) of the Regulation. Therefore, providing your personal data for these purposes is absolutely optional and does not negatively affect use of our services. Should you want to object to the processing of your data for marketing purposes, you can do it at any time by contacting the data controller at the following e-mail address

We specify that if the data controller uses e-mail details supplied by the data subject in the frame of the sale of a product or service, for the purpose of direct sale of its products or services, the data controller need not obtain the consent of the data subject, provided that its services are similar to those object of the sale and that the data subject, duly informed, does not reject this use, initially or on the occasion of subsequent communications. The processing under Section 3(h) is based on the lawful interest of the data controller to detect fraud or embezzlement organized to its detriment, in compliance with art. 6(f) of the Regulation.

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5. recipients of Personal Data

For the purposes under Section 3 above, your personal data can be shared with:

The full list of personal data processors is available by sending a written request to the following e-mail address

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6. Transfer of Personal Data

Your personal data are processed at the premises of the data controller MAME Srl and in any other location where the parties involved in the processing are located.
Your personal data might be transferred and shared into EU and non-EU Countries.
The user is entitled to obtain information about the security measures implemented by the controller to protect personal data by writing to the e-mail address indicated above.

MAME Srl guarantees that the processing of your personal data by these recipients is made in compliance with the Regulation. Transfers may be based on an adequacy decision or on the Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission.
Given the fact that the transfer is necessary for your use of the service, in compliance with the privacy legislation in force, the transfer is justified pursuant to art. 49(1)(B) of the Regulation.

For greater clarity, we point out that Switzerland is a country where personal data can be processed and transferred also in accordance with the GDPR as it ensures a level of protection adequate to the standards required by art. 45 of the EU Regulation 2016/679. In effect, the European Commission has adopted the decision of 26 July 2000 where it established that Swiss legislation provides a level of protection adequate to European standards.
According to the Regulation, this decision shall remain in force "until amended, replaced or repealed by a Commission Decision".

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7. Storage of Personal Data

Personal data processed for the purposes under Section 3 shall be kept as long as strictly necessary to achieve the purposes in question.
In any case, given that the processing is made for the provision of the services, MAME Srl shall process your personal data for the period of time allowed by Italian legislation as a form of protection of its interest (Art. 2946ff c.c.).

Personal data processed for the purposes under Section 3(d) shall be kept as long as foreseen by the specific obligation or according to applicable law provisions.
For example, traffic data shall be stored for law enforcement purposes for one year from their generation.

For the purposes under Section 3(e)(f), your personal data shall be processed until revocation of your consent.
Without prejudice to the possibility for MAME Srl to store your personal data as long as permitted by the Italian law as a form of protection of its interests (Art. 2947(1)(3) c.c.).
More information about data storage periods and criteria used to determine such periods can be obtained by writing to the data controller.

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8. Rights of the Data Subjects

You have the right to request MAME Srl, at any time, for access to your personal data, their rectification or erasure and to object to their processing. You have the right to request the limitation of the processing in the cases foreseen in art. 18 of the Regulation as well as to obtain your data in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format in the cases foreseen in art. 20 of the Regulation.
Requests should be sent in writing to

We specify that, upon reception of requests from data subjects concerning abuse in the use of the services or spamming activities (these being already forbidden by contract, see para. 8 of the General Service Conditions) perpetrated by a customer of MAME Srl (we specify that such customer typically acts as a data controller pursuant to the Regulation) as well as following whatever further request of exercising the rights under art.15ff of the Regulation, MAME Srl, without considering the substance of the request, on one hand shall promptly inform the customer/controller and on the other hand shall supply the identification details of the customer/controller to the data subjects.

In any case, you always have the right to file a claim with the competent control authority (Italian Data Protection Authority) pursuant to art. 77 of the Regulation, should you deem that your data are being processed against the legislation in force.

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9. Changes

This privacy policy is effective as of 25 May 2018. MAME Srl reserves the right to change or simply update its contents, totally or partially, also following changes to the applicable legislation. MAME Srl shall inform you of such changes as soon as they are adopted and they shall be binding as soon as they are published on the site. Therefore, MAME Srl invites you to visit this section on a regular basis to know the latest version of our privacy policy so that to be constantly updated about data collected and the use that MAME Srl makes of such data.

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